Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Dinner

For Mother's Day this year I made my mom dinner.
But not just any dinner.
It was a four course, fine china affair for ten.

I brought up all the china for the basement and Ben and I made the place setting.

Oh, and the place setting included one dinner plate, one salad plate, soup bowl and platter, salad fork, dinner fork, knife, teaspoon, soup spoon, wine glass for water, wine glass for pink lemonade, and dessert cup. We even had silver candlesticks.

Amanda found the perfect flowers for the centerpiece.

It was beautiful.

Before food...

And after food!

We started with French onion soup...

Followed by a cranberry almond spinach salad...

Then the main course including rosemary pork...

garlic and lemon potatoes...

and fagiolini al parmigiano (green beans with parmesan)

So the plate could have used more color, but it did turn out nicely. All my siblings helped a lot. They were amazing. It took five hours with their help and I can hardly imagine how long it would have taken without it!

and dessert!

Crème chantilly with strawberries and shaved chocolate. Mmm....

And then...there were the dishes...

Lots of dishes.

Never ending dishes.

I had to take pictures because this may never happen again.
As much as I love fancy...I really hate cooking.

But oh my heart, I really love fancy dinners. Maybe it will happen again.
I think it's worth it for the end result. I like making things special.

And most of all, I like making my mom feel special. Because she deserves it.
Happy Mother's Day Mom.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rainy Day

There are not many things that are quite so wonderful as a rainy day.
Grey skies, not a ray of sunshine in sight--I love it.

Maybe it's my love for melancholy.
Maybe it's because when the sky feels sad, it legitimizes the fact that not all days are going to be sunny and happy. Sometimes the best days aren't.
A rainy day seems so...honest.

Sometimes nature just lets the tears fall.


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."