Friday, April 25, 2008

Goodbye to an Ugly Place

It's funny but...

I don't miss your squawking girls next door.
I don't miss your scratching branches at the window.
I don't miss your door that would shake at night.
I don't miss your old brick walls.
I don't miss your cupboards too high to reach.
I don't miss your stained linoleum floor.

Heritage Halls, I don't miss you.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sweet Kiss

Today I was awakened by a kiss on my cheek from my little sister. As I opened my eyes I saw a two wide eyes and a five-year old body full of excitement, wondering why I was still asleep. She giggled as she crept under the covers with me and told me how she could count to 900 and how many friends she had.

It's good to be home.


Yesterday was a day of "lasts."

I took my last final.
I worked my last day at the MTC.
It was the last day I lived at Heritage.
It was my last day as a freshman.

I'm ready for these "lasts." Sometimes endings are sad, but these endings bring on new beginnings.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Finals Week

I love finals week.

No, really, I do.

I love finals week because:

1. There are no classes
2. You can just study without interruption
3. There is so much anticipation for them that when they are finally here, it is a relief
4. BYU gives out free food in finals week
5. There is a sense of finality (is that a word?) when you finish up a final for a feels so good!

But I'll admit... I will be happy when they are over!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nearing the End

Tomorrow is my last day of classes.
And my finals will be a week and a half.
That means I will have made it through a year of college!

Which may have been easier than making it through this week...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunshine In My Soul

One of the things I really love about living close to campus is that I can hear the bells ring from the bell tower. It is a beautiful sound and I love hearing them ring (except when they are reminding me that I am late to class). I have heard them play everything from Harry Potter to If You Could Hie to Kolob.

But today as I was walking home from studying in the library they began playing a song that made me laugh. Out loud.

They were playing "There Is Sunshine In My Soul."

And it was snowing.

But there was sunshine in my soul!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Analogy of the Frig

You can tell a lot about a person by the contents of their frig.

A few of the things I have in my frig right now:
  • 1 1/2 mangoes (just to remind me of warm, sunny places)
  • 2 avocados (for guacamole and other such stuff)
  • 1 Asian pear and 1 red pear (have you ever seen a red pear before?! I hadn't so I decided I needed to try it)
  • Swiss cheese (how can you resist cheese that has holes?)
  • Great Harvest whole wheat bread (best stuff in the world)
  • Alfalfa Sprouts (green yummy hairy things)
  • Soy Milk (I know, it's weird...but it's good!)
  • Spinach tortillas (to make giant green wraps...delish!)
So...not your usual college student food. (Just for the record I have not eaten any Top Ramen since I came to college.)

I guess I just love eating healthy!

But that doesn't mean I won't eat some cheesecake when I get the chance!


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."