Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Two men looked out of the self-same bars.
One saw mud, the other stars.

(Photo taken in Brussels, Belgium)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Paradis Sur Terre

Hot chocolate at Angelina today on Rue de Rivoli.
I just about died and went to heaven when our server carefully set out the fork, the knife, the cup for our hot chocolate, a small pitcher with the hot chocolate to pour in the cup, the cream, and then the pastry.
It was beautiful.

chocolat chaud au chocolat blanc

My patisserie.
Saori, le cheesecake Japonais
Cheese cake au citron vert, gelée de fraise, mousse au cream chesse, sablé croustillant citron vert, coquille croquante au chocolat blanc, guimauve à la fraise.

Heaven on earth.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Three weeks ago I left church fighting back tears.

I hated it.
I couldn't speak French.
I couldn't share my testimony.
I couldn't volunteer to pray in Sunday School.
I couldn't understand anything in Sacrament meeting.

The feeling of having a testimony and not being able to share it is perhaps one of the most frustrating things in the universe. Not being able to communicate and understand is a truly a handicap.

This week though, I left feeling uplifted and edified.

And you know what?
I still can't speak French.
I still can't understand most things spoken to me in French.
In fact, sometimes I am still extremely frustrated with the fact that I struggle so much learning this language.

But I had said the opening prayer in Sunday School.
And I had made a comment in class and shared my testimony of families.

Regardless of whether anyone had understood my poor attempts to form coherent sentences...
I was happy.
Because I did what I could.
I gave what I could.

Even when it was two small mites.

God takes what we can give.
He's not so much interested in the amount we give
as much as the proportion we give.
And the only proportion he really wants is all.

I'm still working on that.

But today--
I gave my two mites.


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."