Sunday, October 19, 2008


You know how sometimes when we are struggling on our path, God just picks us up and carries us to the next point, even if we don't deserve it?

Today I felt Him do just that.

His hand is guiding my life.

And I see His hand guiding my family.

Today I attended church with my family and watched my dad get called to be a new bishop. I realized how much the Lord blesses my family over and over, helping us grow and be so much more than we are. I realized--the Lord never lets us be who we are, because he knows who we can be.

Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it is a refiner's fire. Sometimes it is a molding process that seems like it will never end. Sometimes we cannot figure out why it has to be as hard as it is.

But then you realize that the Lord is in it all, and with Him you are safe.

When you see that He is the refiner, the sculptor, the creator, the master craftsman of your doesn't matter what you will face, because He will guide you through it.

He will carry you through it.


Laurel said...

HOLY SMOKES! SERIOUSLY? wow...very cool...for your family AND the ward.

We so need to get travels are over in a few weeks and then I'm determined to come down to Provo and take you to lunch. And I MEAN it this time!


Joyous said...

Angela, I love your posts. They are so beautiful, in both thought, and word, and in the heart behind them.


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."