Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Most Magical Birthday

Yesterday I had a most magical birthday.

I woke up and as I opened my door streamers and ribbons rippled and a most beautiful sign (made by my very own sister) heralded my birthday.
And then, as I was eating my sister brought my a magical lamp (in the form of a water pitcher) and told me to rub it.

Well, I rubbed it and out popped a magical genie (who looked suspiciously like my sister) and told me I had three wishes for the day!

Can anything get more magical than that?

Then I went to visit the castle (also known as the Jordan River Temple) and my day was complete!

I also got a royal fitting for a dress and the royal seamstress said that she would have it quickly sewn just to my request. The royal cook traveled all the way to Italy to find the finest manicotti for my birthday feast and the royal baker made a delicious strawberry cheesecake trifle with fresh handpicked strawberries for my royal cake.

My littlest sister even painted me a beautiful painting with the finest and brightest colors the world of art can offer.
My birthday was simply magical!

1 comment:

Joyous said...

Angela, what a wonderful birthday! Happy birthday! I love your family, and I love reading about how your family shows love to each other. What sweetness and creativity!


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."