Friday, October 30, 2009

Buffoonery at Notre Dame

What do you notice about this picture?

Yes, there is a man with a Rudolph the Reindeer nose.

Why, you may ask?
Because he is a self-declared entertainer.

While I was waiting in line to go on the roof of Notre Dame I saw this man...

-Follow around an old man, imitating his stooped posture
-Call out to a random middle-age woman, "Maria!" and go to hug her
-Grab on to an father's hand, pretending to be his daughter who was trailing a little behind him
-Kneel down by a old woman and say, "Mama!"
-Put his face right by a young woman and try to kiss her cheek when she turned around
-Imitate an elderly woman who seemed lost and pretend to give her directions behind her back

Sounds pretty obnoxious, right?!
I mean, what a creeper.
But he was hilarious.
And it was so funny to watch.

How would that be...
To be a clown.
With no inhibitions.
With the purpose of gaining a little money
and making people laugh.

I realized this man can take off his nose in two seconds
and walk down the street
and no one will see him for anything other than
another man on the street.

But for fifteen minutes
He was an entertainer
a joker
a buffoon
with an audience
that loved him.


Heidi said...

that would pretty much freak me out...

Laurel said...

i would love him.
i want to be him.

I think SLC needs an entertainer.


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."