Sunday, October 11, 2009

Les Patisseries de Paradis

Patisseries, glorious patisseries!
I have been to three ridiculously amazing bakeries in the past 2 days. The best part is, it was all part of my homework.

The first is a traditional bakery called Poilane that bakes its bread in wood-fire ovens, using the same method since 1932. I ordered un petit pain de ble aux noix which was walnutty little loaf that put me in bread heaven.


Before I talk about the next two bakeries, I need to introduce to you the "macaron." Do not be confused, this has no relation to the coconut macaroons we know and love. Instead, this is a sandwich cookie that has a crisp cookie on the outside and a rich ganache on the inside.
They are indescribable.

Laduree is the bakery that created the macaron at the beginning of the 20th century, and the macaron has been heaven on earth ever since.

Pierre Herme is a more modern bakery that has created many distinct and original flavors of the macaron.

Expect to see flavors like fruit de la passion, petale de rose, chocolat citron vert, mangue jasmin, and pistache amongst many others.


Pierre Herme--

My mom and I were talking on skype today and she was asking me if there were many bakeries in Paris. "Mom," I said, "Really, what kind of question is that?" Then she told me that she thought heaven would have three bakeries on every street. "Well, Mom," I responded, "Paris must be heaven then!"

1 comment:

Kris said...

You really are in heaven. I am so jealous!


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."