Monday, December 21, 2009

Forecast: Great Things Ahead

So week before last, when I was home from Paris and suffering from extreme jet lag...

I lost all motivation for anything. I didn't want to do anything with my life. Absolutely nothing. No motivation to graduate from college, no motivation to run a marathon like I had been planning, no motivation to serve a mission, no motivation whatsoever to make something of myself.

I told my mom that it was kind of scaring me.

And do you know what she told me? She kind of laughed and told me that it was because I was preparing to do great things and be more motivated than EVER.

Yeah, right, I said. That makes no sense. We don't become completely UN-motivated and then just magically become motivated. That's not how it works.

But this week, I am feeling much more motivated. I'm still not excited about the next semester, I'm still probably not going to run a marathon in the next four months.

But you know what?! I'm feeling great about life. I'm just revving up the engines to accomplish GREAT THINGS.

So next time you feel completely unmotivated, just remember--
maybe you're just getting ready to be a mover and shaker.
maybe you're about to do something great, you just need a breather before you give it your all.
maybe you're going to accomplish amazing things...sooner than you think.

and maybe...maybe you're even going to CHANGE the world.



Kris said...

remember that time you had that crazy teacher that kept telling you that you could change the world? sometimes I think she really was nuts, but sometimes I think she really believed that you can change the world...

Heidi said...

YAY! Yay for you, and Yay for me! (I'm feeling rather unmotivated!) We'll do great things.

Meemer said...

you know what that is, the unmotivated feeling? it's real life intervals. it just proves your mom is right. you need that break before the required hard work. it's an eternal concept that is evident in the scriptures. just notice the brother of jared and his 4 or so years of lounging on the beach. it's a simple recovery and it is needed when you are building muscle and endurance. good luck to you, and i am sure that great things are headed your way.

Laurel said...

i have NO DOUBT you can and will.

there are great things ahead. can't wait to hear all about them.

you = pretty darn incredible


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."