Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Unexpected Visitor

The other night I got home from playing night games with friends and went to bed a little after midnight.

Okay, that sounds pretty normal so far, right?

Then I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to a man's voice saying, "Excuse me."

Not normal.

I had been dreaming deliriously about work where I kept having to help people that came to the office. Well, this voice interrupted my dream and I opened my eyes to see a man standing in the doorway of my bedroom.


At 4:30 a.m.

Well, I threw off my covers and went to talk to him.

I walked to my doorway and got a better look at him. He was dressed in a uniform of some kind and looked like he could definitely take me down. And then he asked me to go get my dad.

All I could think was, "I didn't know UPS guys came at 4:30 in the morning."

Seriously, I thought he was the UPS guy.

Well, I told him to please step to the front door and I would go get my dad. Well, he didn't move. And then he tried to explain himself saying, "Your front door was wide open and we don't want to take any chances."

Take any chances that what? That a man would come wake me up in my bedroom at 4:30 in the morning?! Already happening, buddy...

I told him if he would PLEASE step away from my personal living space and wait by the front door I would be more than HAPPY to go get my dad. Well, maybe I didn't tell him quite like that...

He finally got the message and started walking back toward my front door. Seriously, who did this UPS guy think he was? And then as I looked the direction he was walking, I saw two more of them waiting by my front door.

Weird. Weird. Weird. I thought.

I woke up my dad and told him some men were here to see him. And of course, both my parents thought I was sleepwalking. Anyway, I finally got my dad to get up and take care of the whole ordeal. I listened to their conversation from the bedrooms and I finally figured out...

There were no UPS guys. They were policemen. I know that was probably the first thing that should have popped into my head, and probably anyone else would realize that straight off the bat, but...

I didn't. To make a short story long, they explained to my dad that our door was wide open and asked if he wanted them to check my house for anyone or anything that shouldn't be there.

And of course my dad said no.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! A armed robber could be in my house and we are not going to let the policemen check to see if he is still here!!!!???

My life was in peril. I was in serious danger. And my last hope of any protection from the law was driving away in three shiny police vehicles...

So I went back to bed.

After I had turned on all the lights, checked in all the closets, and made sure no one was hiding underneath the beds of course.


Laurel said...

SHUT UP! This is SO the sort of freakish thing that would happen to me and I would SO search the house...in fact, i've done it before....when I realized I left my garage door was open AND my door into the house was unlocked all night long.
(but for the record, I would think it was a UPS guy too...I'm partial to the UPS guys...)

You are such a great writer...just do it more often, my friend (grin).

Suzanne said...

that is so funny, yet scary!! i think i would just freak out when i saw the guys in the first place....i would probably think they were coming to kidnap me! haha! you are such a good writer!!!! i want to hear more of your exciting stories!

lydiaruth said...

wow angela, that would have freaked me out. Why in the world was your front door open? I think i would have screamed at the top of my lungs upon seeing the guy.


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."