Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Quit

When it comes to dating...I quit.

No more of the typical make-myself-go-to-a-social-activity, where I have to meet guys and try and be social.

No more going-on-a-date-and-realizing-I'm-not-interested and the whole trying-to-be-honest-but-not-wanting-to-hurt-someone

No more dang-it-you're-really-wonderful-but-you're-not-the-right-one-for-me.

Oh, and definitely no more of the I'm-really-interested-in-you, but I-just-realized-you're-not-interested-in-me.

No more nights of thinking, "Wow, why am I not on a date?"
No more nights of thinking, "Wow, why am I on this date?"

Two words. I QUIT.


Laurel said...

hate to break it to you, missy, but you can't quit. If I can't quit, YOU can't quit...and I can't quit.

Hang in there. I hear it all makes sense someday (that's what I hear).


Kris said...

I love you. But for the record if you want my advise.... Quit. Just do it. Quit. Take a break. I give you permission to not feel guilty when it's a Friday night and you aren't out on a date. I give you permission to not go to the lame dance party even though you know you should. (Although I don't think anyone EVER should go to them.) But honestly, I dare you. Quit. Because the wonderful thing is... with time, you will want to go out again. You will want to try.


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."