Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Real Age

So I thought I would try the "Real Age" test. Basically, it takes your health habits and medical history and tells you how old your body really is.

So I went through all the steps...
and guess how old my real age is?


It should probably be closer to 14.2 since I had to adjust my birthday 4 months so I could take the test.

But seriously?! 14? That is in years. Not that I am taking this too seriously, but 14?! I'll be turning 20 soon...and just I was starting to feel so grown up...

It is all coming together now though. I guess the morning runs help out a lot and the fact that I don't smoke or drink and I eat fruit and manage stress...but 14?!

It explains what happened over the weekend too...my cousin's friend found me "very attractive" ... and he is a junior. In high school. That makes him 17. But, hey, if my real age is 14, then why not?!

I guess I can use this as an excuse for losing $60 this weekend too. I mean, 14-year-olds can get away with that kind of thing, right? I am still hoping I will find it...that was going to go towards a new pair of jeans...or, since I am actually 14, maybe I should just spend it on movies...that is, if I find it.

And while we are making confessions...last semester I saved $100 by not buying books for my mythology class. Not only did that save me some money, but I also saved many hours. By not doing my readings. Out of the hundreds of pages I was supposed to do in Livy and Ovid and Sophocles and Hesiod how much did I do? Probably one page...yep, one page. Maybe even half a page.

And what grade do you think I got?
A. A freaking A.
Not just an A, but a 98% A. Yeah...the things you can do when you are a teenager.

I'm sure when I turn 20 in three and a half months I will be much more responsible...because then my real age will be what...15?!


Meemer said...

that is so funny. uh, when i did that test, i won't tell you how old i was. i was older than i thought i would be, and it made me sad. 14 huh? well, i'll say, you look great for your age!

Laurel said...

if you're 14, you might not be as fun to go to lunch with...but let's do it anyway (grin). i'll look at my calendar and email you..finally!


The Oxford English dictionary describes serendipity as "the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries by accident. Also, the fact or an instance of such a discovery."